Here it goes, I’m trying to get select all, in a fancy way. Staring Here, I guess I should start here, since it’s already nicely done.
Then little more magic from Allen here, and one should be on their way.
"fnInitComplete" : function () { $('#check_all').click( function() { $('input[name*=\'selected\']', oTable.fnGetFilteredNodes()).attr('checked',this.checked); }); }, $('input', tab.fnGetFilteredNodes()).attr('checked','checked'); $('#check_all').click( function() { $('input', oTable.fnGetFilteredNodes()).attr('checked','checked'); return false; // to avoid refreshing the page }); $('#check_all').click( function() { $('input', oTable.fnGetFilteredNodes()).attr('checked',this.checked); });This entry was posted in PHP. Bookmark the permalink.