This script go over all Qmail mailboxes and removes oldest emails from accounts that are over 250MB in size and removes 5MB worth of emails.
Works ok PLESK systems on CentOS.
#!/bin/bash #Qmail Path PATH1="/var/qmail/mailnames/" PATH2="Maildir/cur/" for folder1 in $PATH1*/ ; do for folder2 in $folder1*/ ; do if [ -e "$folder2$PATH2" ] then cur_size=$(du $folder2$PATH2 | cut -f1;) if [ $cur_size -gt 250000 ] then i="0" while [ $i -lt 5000000 ] do var1=$(find $folder2$PATH2 -maxdepth 1 -type f -printf '%T+ %s %p\n'| sort -n | head -1) echo "$var1 <- file to remove"; set $var1; #echo $3 $(rm "$3") i=$((i+$2)) echo $i done fi fi done; done;This entry was posted in PLESK. Bookmark the permalink.