Below is the IFRAME
Below is the IFRAME
Keep large directory structures in sync quickly with rsync
While tar over ssh is ideal for making remote copies of parts of a filesystem, rsync is even better suited for keeping the filesystem in sync between two machines. Typically, tar is used for the initial copy, and rsync is used to pick up whatever has changed since the last copy. This is because tar tends to be faster than rsync when none of the destination files exist, but rsync is much faster than tar when there are only a few differences between the two filesystems.
priority-queue outside
! (Step 1) ————-Specify a class map which identifies the VoIP traffic
! On my network, the VoIP adapter uses the EF PHB (101110)
class-map VoIP
description High Priority = VoIP
match dscp ef
! (Step 2) ————–Assign the class map to a policy map
! (remember this doesn’t activate the policy)
! And, as an action, send it to the LLQ
policy-map General-Purpose
class VoIP
! (Step 3) —————–Finally, activate the policy by assigning it to the
! outside interface:
service-policy General-Purpose interface outside
! To see whether the policy is “working”, issue this command and view the results:
show service-policy
Interface outside:
Service-policy: General-Purpose
Class-map: VoIP
Interface outside: aggregate drop 0, aggregate transmit 1256
The inside interface of the Security Appliance cannot be accessed from the outside, and vice-versa, unless the management-access is configured in global configuration mode. Once management-access is enabled, Telnet, SSH, or HTTP access must still be configured for the desired hosts.
pix(config)#management-access inside pix(config)#show running-config management-access management-access inside