priority-queue outside
! (Step 1) ————-Specify a class map which identifies the VoIP traffic
! On my network, the VoIP adapter uses the EF PHB (101110)
class-map VoIP
description High Priority = VoIP
match dscp ef
! (Step 2) ————–Assign the class map to a policy map
! (remember this doesn’t activate the policy)
! And, as an action, send it to the LLQ
policy-map General-Purpose
class VoIP
! (Step 3) —————–Finally, activate the policy by assigning it to the
! outside interface:
service-policy General-Purpose interface outside
! To see whether the policy is “working”, issue this command and view the results:
show service-policy
Interface outside:
Service-policy: General-Purpose
Class-map: VoIP
Interface outside: aggregate drop 0, aggregate transmit 1256