All one have to do in Plesk to fix this problem is to add to the open_basedir “:/dev/urandom“. So it looks like this {WEBSPACEROOT}{/}{:}{TMP}{/}:/dev/urandom
All one have to do in Plesk to fix this problem is to add to the open_basedir “:/dev/urandom“. So it looks like this {WEBSPACEROOT}{/}{:}{TMP}{/}:/dev/urandom
Service needs to look like this
services: user.listener: class: AppBundle\EventListener\UserListener arguments: [ "@security.password_encoder" ] tags: [ { name: doctrine.event_listener, event: prePersist } ]
Listener should look like that
// AppBundle\EventListener\UserListener.php namespace AppBundle\EventListener; use Doctrine\ORM\Event\LifecycleEventArgs; use AppBundle\Entity\User; use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Encoder\UserPasswordEncoderInterface; class UserListener { protected $container; public function __construct(UserPasswordEncoderInterface $encoder) { $this->encoder = $encoder; } public function prePersist(LifecycleEventArgs $args) { $entity = $args->getEntity(); $encodedPassword = $this->encoder->encodePassword($entity, $entity->getPassword()); $entity->setPassword($encodedPassword); } }
In a production environment you’ll eventually want to load assets (images, CSS and JS) from a different server. Perhaps you’re running your own asset server or you’re even using a CDN. This will require the files to be linked with an absolute URL. But in your development environment you don’t want this – you want assets to be loaded directly from the same server.
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Ok, so I’m moving project from non framework PHP to Symfony2, and it goes very nice, except of Doctrine, I’m sure it’s me. I’ve been using MySQL for last 8 years and DQL vs SQL to me feels like i.e. taking snowboard for the first time, after skiing for 30 years. What I do after 30 min. of trying. I’m going back to rental place and I switch to skis. Below one can find skis.
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