Ok, so I’m moving project from non framework PHP to Symfony2, and it goes very nice, except of Doctrine, I’m sure it’s me. I’ve been using MySQL for last 8 years and DQL vs SQL to me feels like i.e. taking snowboard for the first time, after skiing for 30 years. What I do after 30 min. of trying. I’m going back to rental place and I switch to skis. Below one can find skis.
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository; class ProductRepository extends EntityRepository { $stmt = $this->getEntityManager() ->getConnection() ->prepare('select * from product where 1'); $stmt->execute(); $result = $stmt->fetchAll(); return $this->render('Test1Bundle:Default:index.html.twig', array('name' => 'Showig '. print_r($result,true))); }
Or if you do not want to use class try this.
$stmt = $this->getDoctrine()->getEntityManager() ->getConnection() ->prepare('select * from product where 1'); $stmt->execute(); $result = $stmt->fetchAll();
Or this
$rsm = new ResultSetMapping; $rsm->addScalarResult('optionname', 'option'); $rsm->addScalarResult('answers', 'count'); return $this->_em->createNativeQuery(' SELECT qo.title as optionname, COUNT(qap.answer_id) as answers FROM quiz_answer_option qap INNER JOIN quizoption qo ON qo.id = qap.option_id INNER JOIN quizquestion qq ON qq.id = qo.quizquestion_id WHERE qq.active AND qq.id = :quizquestionid GROUP BY qap.option_id ORDER BY qo.number asc ', $rsm) ->setParameter('quizquestionid', $quizquestion->getId()) ->getResult();
For more look HERE
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