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Copy database or table from one MySQL server to another, clever way. Posted on

This simple bash script can copy database or a table from one remote server to another. Can be used as a backup, but also as a one way sync on a database or table.

ssh -fNg… <- creates a permanent tunnel to the remote server on port 3307. So now from the local server you can access both local and remote MySQL.

export MYSQL_PWD=… <- Helps hide password, as long as you make this script secure, the password it not accessible.

Last one-liner does the rest, if you remove <DB_TABLE_NAME> it will send the entire DB over to the remote, so be carefuller. But you already new that and have a backup, right?


ssh -fNg -L 3307: <USERNAME>@<REMORE_HOST> -p 22

mysqldump --lock-tables=false -h localhost -u <DB_USERNAME> <DB_NAME> <DB_TABLE_NAME> | mysql -P 3307 -h -u <DB_USERNAME> --compress <DB_NAME>

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